Success & Moving Forward

Update # 6 from Kickstarter

Thank you everyone who contributed to our successful campaign! 

We raised over $9,000 for the development of Guide Pro and we are excited to bring it to you! While our developer continues on with the work we'll be focusing on getting the gift boxes and t-shirts assembled and shipped. 

If you are expecting one of the above then keep an eye out for a questionnaire we will be sending you. Please fill it out so we know where to send your gifts, details for your shirt and any other additional information needed. 

Steps moving forward:

Now that we have marked funding off the list we will begin building up our database and building partnerships around Colorado to prepare for our launch. Our goal is to cover as many great destinations in the state as we can, all while laying the framework needed for expanding to other areas. 

Our goal for launch is to have a minimum of at least 2 great rides for novice, advanced and experienced riders in each location. Depending on how quickly we move, the number of rides will hopefully increase well beyond those numbers.  We are looking at around 15 destinations to get things started. So we have a pretty full plate as of now. 

Thank you!

- Giude Pro